Paradise Lost is John Milton's masterpiece. Briefly discuss the theme, the author's intention and the implication that Milton wants to express.
【正确答案】:A. The theme is the "Fall of Man."i.e. man's disobedience and the loss of Paradise. with its prime cause-Satan. Milton intended to expose the ways of Satan and to "justilv the ways of God to men.”
B. At the center of the conflict between human love and spiritual duty lies Mifton's concern with freedom and choices; the freedom to submit to God's prohibition on eating the apple and choice of disobedience for love.
C. Milton's poem attempts to convince us that the truth of Biblical revelation means that God was just in allowing Adam and Eve to be tempted and, of their free will, to choose sin and its punishment.
D.The poem opens the way for the sacrifice of Christ which showed the mercy of God in bringing good out of evil.