He went out to dinner several times in his evening suit that had been William's.Each time his mother's heart was firm with pride and joy. He was started now. The studs she and the children had bought for William were in his shirt-front ; he wore one
He went out to dinner several times in his evening suit that had been William's.Each time his mother's heart was firm with pride and joy. He was started now. The studs she and the children had bought for William were in his shirt-front ; he wore one of William's dress shirts. But he had an elegant figure. His face was rough,but warm-looking and rather pleasing. He did not look particularly a gentleman, but she thought he looked quite a man.
A.What is the title of the novel from which this passage is taken? Who is the author?
B.Why each time his mother's heart was firm with pride and joy?
C.What idea does this passage express?
【正确答案】:A.D.H. Lawrence»Son5 and Lovers.
B.Because his mother wanted him to climb into the middle-class.
C.Mrs. Morel is eager to make her son climb into the middle-class. (p380)