Discuss the different characteristics of modemism writings and realism writings in relation to the works of Mark Twain and the works of Faulkner.
Discuss the different characteristics of modemism writings and realism writings in relation to the works of Mark Twain and the works of Faulkner.
【正确答案】:A.Moderism takes the irrational philosophy and the theory of psycho analysis as its theoretica base.It reiects rationnalism, which is the theoretical base of realism.
B.Modernism excludes from its major concem the external, objective, material world, which is the only creative source of realism.
C.By advocating a free experimentation on new forms and new techniques in literary creation, modernists cast away almost all the traditional elements in literature such as story, plot, character,chronological narration.
D.Mark Twain pays more attention to the "" of the Americans. He is known for his wonderful characterization of the protagonist, Huck.
E.Faulkner's works are set in the American South.
He fragments the chronological time, employing the modem stream-of consciousness technique.