The following quotation is from Mrs. Warren’s Profession:
VIVIE:[intensely interested by this time] No; but why did you choose that business?Saving money and good management will succeed in any business.
MRS.WARREN: Yes, saving money. But where can a woman get the money to save in any other business? Could you save out of four shillings a week and keep yourself dressed as well? Not you. Of course, if you’ re a plain woman and cant earn anything more ; or if you have a turn for music, or the stage, or newspaper-writing ; that’s different...
Questions :
A.Identify the playwright of the above quotation.
B.What business do you think Mrs. Warren is involved in?
C.What's the theme of the play?
【正确答案】:A.George Bemard Shaw.
C.The economic oppression of women. By describing Mrs. Warren and her sisters' sufferings,Shaw wants to show that in the dark capitalist society, honest women were forced to be prostitutes and were therefore looked down upon as shameful dirty women. The play reveals the social catrses of prostitution and thus sharply attacksthe capitalism.