Discuss Charles Dickens’ art of fiction: the setting, the character- portrayal, the language, etc., based on his novel Oliver Twist.
Discuss Charles Dickens’ art of fiction: the setting, the character- portrayal, the language, etc., based on his novel Oliver Twist.
【正确答案】:A.In his works,Dickens exposes and criticizes all the poverty, injustice, hypocrisy and corruplness he sees all around him. In his novels he attacks one or more specific social evils in each:for example the dehumanizing workhouse system and the dark, criminal underworld life in Oliver Twist.
B.He sets out a full map and a large-scale criticism of the nineteenth century England, particularly London.Most of his works are deeply rooted in his knowledge of that petty-bourgeois urban world.In his later works the physical settings are sometimes a mixture of the contemporary and the recollected past.
C.The characters in his works are marked out by some peculiarity in phys ical traits, speech or manner. His best- depicted characters include child characters, ho and grotesque characters and humorous or comical characters. Oliver Twist is one of the good examples of his child characters...
D.His language is often compared with Shakespeare for his adeptness with the vernacular and large vocabulary.
E.Dickens' works are also characterized by a mingling of humor and pathos. (Find some examples from Oliver Twist)