In the guide of a dictionary, the compilers "( )".
In the guide of a dictionary, the compilers "( )".
A、explain how to use the dictionary
B、provide a detailed list of the content
C、list all the aspects of grammar information
D、introduce all the compilers of the dictionary
【题目解析】:本题考查词典的使用。In the guide of a dictionary, the compilers explain how to use the dictionary. 在词典指南中,编者解释了如何使用词典。B选项provide a detailed list of the content 提供内容的详细列表的是contents page(目录页)。C选项list all the aspects of grammar information列出语法信息的所有方面的是LDCE《朗文当代英语词典》。D选项introduce all the compilers of the dictionary介绍字典的所有编纂者。是错误选项且是干扰项。故选A。