The word paper has a number of meanings in the dictionary, but it means differently in "a white paper'' and ''today's paper". This example shows that ( ) context affects the meaning of word.
The word paper has a number of meanings in the dictionary, but it means differently in "a white paper'' and ''today's paper". This example shows that ( ) context affects the meaning of word.
【题目解析】:1、本题考查对词汇语境的应用。词汇语境指的是与讨论中的词一起出现的单词,这个词的意义经常受邻近词的影响,并被其定义。比如:paper在词典中有许多种意义,然而在下面的每个语境中,它仅仅传达了一个语义——a white paper 政府文件 ;today’s paper 报纸 。2、空白处缺词汇:lexical