The following pairs of words are antonyms. Which pair belongs to relative terms? ( )
The following pairs of words are antonyms. Which pair belongs to relative terms? ( )
A、male/ female
【题目解析】:本题考查反义词的类别。Antonyms can be defined as words which are opposite in meaning. They can be classified into three major groups. 反义词可以定义为意义相反的词。它们可以分为三大类。(1)Contradictory terms: They are so opposed to each other that they are mutually exclusive and admit no possibility between them,such as “true – false”矛盾反义词:它们彼此对立,相互排斥,彼此之间不承认任何可能性,如“真-假”。(2)Contrary terms: Antonyms of this type are best viewed in terms of a scale running between two poles or extremes. Antonyms such as “big – small” represent two points at both ends of the pole. 对立反义词:这种反义词最好从两极或极端之间的刻度来观察。反义词如“大-小”代表两端的两点极点。(3)Relative terms: This type consists of relational opposites such as “husband – wife”. Such pairs of words indicate such a reciprocal social relationship. 关系反义词:这类词语由“丈夫-妻子”等关系反义词组成。这样的一对词表明了一种相互的社会关系。A选项male/ female——男/女 ;B选项single/married——单身/已婚;D选项young/old——年轻/老的。故只有C选项父母/孩子属于相互的社会关系,故选C。