() is not a pair of homophones.
() is not a pair of homophones.
A、“Bear” (a large heavy animal) and “bear” (to put up with)
B、“Right” (correct) and “write” (to put down on paper with a pen)
C、“Son” (a male child of some one) and “sun” (the heavenly body from which the earth gets warmth and light)
D、“Compliment” (an expression of praise) and “complement” (make up a whole)
【题目解析】:本题考查常见的同音异形义词​。同音异形异义词指的是读音相同但拼写和词义不同的词。 bear(熊)和bear(忍受)拼写和发音都相同,词义不同。属于完全同形同音异义词 (Perfect homonyms)。而B、C、D选项均符合同音异形异义。故答案为A。