Which of the following statements is true?( )
Which of the following statements is true?( )
A、Perfect homonyms share the same spelling and pronunciation.
B、Homonyms mainly come from borrowing, changes in sound and spelling, and dialects.
C、Homonyms are words whose meanings are closely related.
D、Most homonyms are words that are the same in spelling, but differ in sound and meaning.
【题目解析】:本题主要考查同形同音异义词。完全同音异义词具有相同的拼写和发音,但意义不同。所以正确的为A。B选项正确的叙述应为“Homonyms mainly come from borrowing, changes in sound and spelling, and shortening.” (同音词主要来源于借词、发音和拼写的变化以及缩略语。)C选项正确的叙述应为“Homonyms are generally defined as words different in meaning but either identical both in sound and spelling or identical only in sound or spelling. ”(同音词一般被定义为词义不同但在发音和拼写上都相同或仅在发音或拼写上相同的词。)D选项错误在于:在三种同形同音异义词中,同音异义词是数量最多也是最常见的。所以D错误。