The primary meaning of the word neck is "( )".
The primary meaning of the word neck is "( )".
A、that part of the garment
B、that part of man or animal joining the head to the body
C、a narrow part between the head and body of any object
D、the narrowest part of anything: bottle, land, strait or channel
【题目解析】:本题考查neck的主要含义。A:that part of the garment(衣服的那部分);B:that part of man or animal joining the head to the body(人或动物连接头部和身体的部分);C:a narrow part between the head and body of any object(任何物体头部和身体之间的狭窄部分)D:the narrowest part of anything: bottle, land, strait or channel(任何事物最狭窄的部分:瓶子、陆地、海峡或通道)。本题易混淆项为C选项,但是C选项中any object(任何物体)说法错误,例如植物不能用”脖子“来形容,而是根、茎、叶,可排除。所以B选项符合题意。