Structurally many words can be separated into even smaller meaning units. For example, denaturalization can be broken down into ( ).
Structurally many words can be separated into even smaller meaning units. For example, denaturalization can be broken down into ( ).
A、de-, natura-, lize-, ation
B、dena-, ture, al-, lize, ation
C、de-, nature, al, ize, ation
D、de-, natu, real, ize, ation
【题目解析】:本题考查词素。denaturalization可以分为de-, nature, -al, -ize, -ation。de-否定前缀表示非…;nature是自由词素表示自然;-al形容词后缀表示...的;-ize动词后缀表示...化;-ation名词后缀,表示行为,过程,结果。这5个部分都有各自的含义。