The()translation of the Bible and the writings of()and others contributed a lot to the revival of English as the dominating language in Middle English period.
The()translation of the Bible and the writings of()and others contributed a lot to the revival of English as the dominating language in Middle English period.
A、Langland;Wycliff, Chaucer
B、Wycliff;Langland, Chaucer
C、Chaucer;Wycliff, Thomas More
D、Bacon; Wycliff, Chaucer
【题目解析】:中古英语时期(1150—1500),法语、拉丁语曾和英语一直并存长达一个多世纪。到了13世纪末,英语又逐渐回到了学校、法庭和政府部门,重新获得了重要的社会地位。威克利夫(Wycliff)用英语翻译《圣经》, 乔叟(Chaucer)、朗兰(Langland)等人也开始用英语进行文学创作,于是, 英语最后又返回到重要的位置上,并作为一门重要的文学语言受到尊重。