Answer the following questions. Your answers should be clear and short.State the four classes of the loan-words according to the degree of assimilation and manner of borrowing.
Answer the following questions. Your answers should be clear and short.State the four classes of the loan-words according to the degree of assimilation and manner of borrowing.


【题目解析】:从外国带来的词被认为是“外来词”或者“借词。1.同化词是指早期从其他语言中借来现今已被英语同化了的词。换言之,他们已经符合英语的发音和拼写习惯。例如:port(港口)来源于portus(拉丁语)2.非同化词是仍保留原来发音和拼写形式的词。例如:decor(舞台装置,法语)3.译借词是利用母语现有的词语,但在构词模式上模仿了外语而构成的词。例如:long time no see 译自汉语的“好久没见”4.借义词只借义,不借型。也就是说利用现有词的形式赋予其新的外来语含义。例如:dream,原义是“高兴”、“音乐”,而现义才是“梦”,借自古挪威语。