Which of the following is true about the basic word stock of English? ( )
Which of the following is true about the basic word stock of English? ( )
A、The basic word stock has undergone almost no changes.
B、Words of the basic word stock are mostly polysyllabic words.
C、Words of the basic word stock constitute a large percentage of the English vocabulary.
D、The basic word stock has five characteristics, of which the most important is all national character.
【题目解析】:本题考查基本词汇的特征。The basic word stock has five characteristics, of which the most important is all national character.句意:基本词汇有五个特征,其中最重要的是全民性。基本词汇的五个基本特征是全民性 (All-National character)、相对稳定性 (Stability)、能产性 (Productivity)、多义性 (Polysemy)和搭配性 (Collocability)。其中最重要的是全民性,因为它是讲这门语言的人所必不可少的。故D选项符合题意。