What is stylistic meaning of word? Use domicile, residence, abode, and home to illustrate the stylistic difference of synonyms.
What is stylistic meaning of word? Use domicile, residence, abode, and home to illustrate the stylistic difference of synonyms.
【正确答案】:Apart from their conceptual meanings, many words have stylistic features, which make them appropriate for different contexts. These distinctive features form the stylistic meanings of words. In some dictionaries, these stylistic features are clearly marked as “formal”, “informal”, “literary”, “archaic”, “slang” and so on.
This stylistic difference is especially true of synonyms. It is observed that there are few words which have both the same conceptual meaning and the stylistic meaning. Domicile is “very formal” or “official”,residence “formal”,abode “poetic”,and home “general”