New words like Mao jackets, kungfu, black belt come into present-day English vocabulary due to ______.[ ]
New words like Mao jackets, kungfu, black belt come into present-day English vocabulary due to ______.[ ]
A、social, economic and political changes
B、an upsurge of learning ancient Roman classics
C、the influence of other cultures and languages
D、the rapid development of modern science and technology
【题目解析】:该题干中提到的例子Mao jackets(中山装), kungfu(功夫), black belt(黑带)进入现代英语的外来词汇。英语词汇的发展原因有科学技术、政治、经济和社会,还有就是异国文化和语言,选项中A,C,D都是英语词汇发展的原因,根据题干中的例子确定答案为C。