1) nickname n. → to nickname 2) bottle-feeding n. → to bottle-feed Use the above examples to discuss in what way compound verbs are generally formed?
【正确答案】:A limited number of verbs are created either through conversion or back-formation. Conversion is the formation of new words by converting words of one class to another class. This is a method of turning words of one part of speech to those of a different part of speech. For example, the noun nickname can be converted into a verb. Back-formation is the method of creating words by removing the supposed suffixes. In the case of bottle-feeding, the back-formed verb compound bottle-feed is formed by dropping the suffix –ing.
【题目解析】:题干中所给单词都是名词动词化,第一个nickname 用的是conversion的方法,第二个 to bottle-feed,用的是逆生法。