Passage: How to Describe YourselfWhy does she say that she is quite creative with her hands?( )
Passage: How to Describe YourselfWhy does she say that she is quite creative with her hands?( )
A、She likes planting trees and flowers.
B、She likes doing homework.
C、She likes making models, pendants and candles as well as other things.
D、She likes making desks, chairs as well as other things.
【题目解析】:根据《如何描述你自己》可知:她的手很有创造力。她喜欢做模型, 垂饰、蜡烛以及其他东西。A选项“她喜欢种花花草草”,B选项“她喜欢做作业”,D选项“她喜欢做桌子、椅子以及其他东西”。这三个选项均不符合题意,故选C。