Passage: How Old Is She?Why didn’t she tell the doctor her age in a direct way?( )"> Passage: How Old Is She?Why didn’t she tell the doctor her age in a direct way?( )">
Passage: How Old Is She?Why didn’t she tell the doctor her age in a direct way?( )
Passage: How Old Is She?Why didn’t she tell the doctor her age in a direct way?( )
A、Because she was afraid of the doctor.
B、Because the doctor knows the fact.
C、Because she hates the doctor.
D、Because in western societies, a man usually do not ask a woman's age.
【题目解析】:短文中的女人不以一种直接的方式告诉医生她的真实年龄,是因为在西方社会里,男士通常是不会问女士的年龄的。 A选项“因为她害怕这个医生”,B选项“因为医生了解事实”,C选项“因为她恨这个医生”,均不符合题干要求,故选D选项。