
Fill in each of the 15 blanks in the passage with the most likely answer. Blacken the letter corresponding to your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. (1 point each, 15 points in all)
    Your job offer will not be canceled during a salary negotiation as long as you remain realistic, polite and respectful.
    You may not feel very powerful before you've(1)a job offer to accept a position. After all, you aren't even working at the company yet. But the(2)is that you have the greatest negotiating power during that short period of time between being offered a job and formally agreeing to(3)it.
    Think about it: The hiring manager has already let you know she wants to(4)you. The team have invested time and resources in the interview process and they're(5)to seal the deal and put you to work. This is the(6)time to talk about salary.
    Gulp. This is the hard(7). Actually, dealing with salary negotiation makes many people so uncomfortable that they(8)accepting the first number offered without countering. This is a mistake, (9)employers generally expect some negotiation in the hiring process and have(10)that into their offer by initially pitching a number that is(11)than they can ultimately go.
    So how do you go about negotiating a salary that(12)what you're worth? The first step is to arm yourself with some market data on average salaries for your position, (13)that certain parts of the country pay more than others.
    Next, consider your own level of experience and(14)abilities that you bring to the negotiating table——it's possible that as a(15)valued candidate, you can get even more than the market average.
    Finally, build in a small cushion of cash that goes slightly above the actual number you want, so that if they offer less than you ask for, you'll still be happy with the results.

A、end up
B、keep on
C、give up
D、rely on
【题目解析】:事实上,处理薪资谈判会让很多人感到非常不舒服,以至于他们…接受了第一个数字而没有“还价”。end up doing sth:最终做某事,keep on doing sth:反复做某事,give up doing sth:停止做某事,rely on sth:依靠某事。此处描述为“薪资谈判让人不舒服,所以他们没有‘还价’”,可知他们最终接受了最开始招聘方提供的那个薪资数额,故选A。