Write a composition on the ANSWER SHEET in about 150 words, basing yourself on one of the texts you have learned. (15 points)
TOPIC: What kind of charms of Britain is presented in the text “The Beauty of Britain” by J. B. Priestley? Use the follow
Write a composition on the ANSWER SHEET in about 150 words, basing yourself on one of the texts you have learned. (15 points)
TOPIC: What kind of charms of Britain is presented in the text “The Beauty of Britain” by J. B. Priestley? Use the following outline as a guide.
●Its geographical variety
●Its surprising landscape
●The balance between Nature and Man
【正确答案】:The charm of Britain lies, firstly, in the fact that it is a country which enjoys brilliant geographical variety within a small area. Like any big country, it has mountains, plains, rivers and lakes. Though the mountains are merely in their miniature size, they have all the air of great mountains.
Britain is also charming in that it is a country full of happy and surprising landscape.Take the Weald for example. On a rolling plain, you might suddenly find before you mountains with genuine steep slopes. In a highly industrialized district, you might unexpectedly come across a bit of rough heath country.
What, however, really fascinates visitors to Britain is the balance between Nature and Man in this country. Here, you can find the compromise between wilderness and cultivation;here, you cannot find any clear boundary between the city and the countryside; and here, men and trees and flowers have all settled down comfortably together. (156 words)