This idea of progress is in the scale of history a very new idea.
This idea of progress is in the scale of history a very new idea.
A、To some extent, this idea of progress is a very new idea.
B、In the course of human history, this idea of progress is a very new idea.
C、Measured by history, this idea of progress is a very new idea.
D、History shows that this idea of progress is a very new idea.
【题目解析】:本题选择的关键在于是否能准确把握the scale of history的含义。the scale of一般有“……的规模,范围,程度”之意,in the scale of history可意译为“在历史长河中,在历史上”。而选项中,to some extent意为“从某种程度上来说”,所以不选。measured by history是指“经过历史的验证",也不可选。选项D中history shows指“历史表明……”,亦与题意不符。唯有选项B中in the course of human history即"在历史上”与题干中in the scale of history同义。答案为B。