Yet he was equable as those elements were not.
A、Yet he was even and regular, not like the changeable and violent weather.
B、Yet he was in silence• as the other was not.
C、Yet he was not quiet. like the changeable and violent weather.
D、Yet he was even, while the other things were not.
【题目解析】:element作“天气”讲时,通常为the elements,一般指较为恶劣的天气。因此选项B、D不正确。equable一般指“宁静的,平和的,不易恼怒的"。因此此处可理解为:与变化多端而且异常恶劣的天气不同,他的姓情异常温和。选项C认为“就像这变化无常的火气一样,他一点也安分不下来”,此与题意明显不符。答案为A。