Once you turn over a new leaf^ you can't expect to change completely right away.
Once you turn over a new leaf^ you can't expect to change completely right away.
A、Once you have a new idea.
B、Once you think more carefully.
C、Once you take a new interest in plants.
D、Once you start to behave in a better way.
【题目解析】:原句译文:一旦重新开始,你不要指望马上就能完全改变。其中turn over a new leaf“翻到新的一页,重新开始”。A项指“有了好主意";B项指“仔细考虑”;C项指“对植物感兴趣”;D项指“以更好的方式开始做某事”。很显然,D项最符合。答案为D。