TOPIC:Suppose you were,Baron Hausberg,the millionaire.Explain how you got to know Hughie Erskine and what you did in return for the pound he gave you. Who you are and where you met Hughie. How you felt when he gave you a pound. Why you gave him ten t
TOPIC:Suppose you were,Baron Hausberg,the millionaire.Explain how you got to know Hughie Erskine and what you did in return for the pound he gave you. Who you are and where you met Hughie. How you felt when he gave you a pound. Why you gave him ten thousand pounds in return.
【正确答案】:例文I am a millionaire. But I was tired of my usual image so I paied my friend Alan Trevor to paint me as a beggar, dressed in tattered clothes. During the painting, a young man dropped in. Just then, Alan left the room. That young man walked towards me and searched in his pocket and finally he handed me a sovereign, the highest denomination coin he had. I was greatly touched by his kindness at the sight of the sympathy in his eyes to a stranger beggar. After he left, I asked Alan everything about the young man. The moment I knew the reason he couldn’t marry his girlfriend, an idea occurred to me. Since he gave what he had to me, I would give what he wanted most in return. So the next day, a wedding gift of ten thousand pounds I sent to him was delivered to that generous young man.【评分参考】优秀(13——15分)(1)内容涵盖参考答案中所提及的要点。(2)语言通顺,无重大语法结构错误,用词恰当,允许有少量拼写错误。良好(11——12分)(1)内容涵盖参考答案中所提及的主要内容,但不够清楚,或不够透彻。(2)语言较通顺,可有1个重大语法错误,用词较为恰当,不得超过5个拼写错误。及格(9——10分)(l)内容基本都能点到,但比较粗浅。(2)语言尚可,基本能表达思想,但错误较多。不及格(6——8分)字数不够,语言质量较差,但尚能表达一些思想。(2——5分)字数不够,涉及到一些内容,但语言质量较差,表达不清楚。(0——1分)白卷或文不对题。