Then he (Hughie) had tried selling dry sherry. That did not answer, the sherry was a little too dry.
Then he (Hughie) had tried selling dry sherry. That did not answer, the sherry was a little too dry.
A、Selling sherry didn’t solve his problem, because the sherry was not good enough.
B、That was not what he wanted to do because dry sherry was not to his taste.
C、The job of selling sherry didn't improve his life because it was very boring.
D、Customers didn't come because alcoholic drink was forbidden.
【题目解析】:原句的意思是“然后他尝试着卖没有甜味的雪利酒。但是依然没有满意的答案,他的雪利酒有点过于难喝了。”所以That did not answer, the sherry was a little too dry.可以换一种表达方法:Selling sherry didn’t solve his problem, because the sherry was not good enough.(卖雪利酒并没有解决问题,因为他的雪利酒品质不够上成)。因此我们选择A.