某英文报社正在举办题为“My Goal for Next Year”的征文活动
某英文报社正在举办题为“My Goal for Next Year”的征文活动
【正确答案】:My Goal for Next YearMy goal for next year is to become a better person. I want to improve myself in every aspect and become more competent in every field. To achieve this goal, I will take the following measures.

Firstly, I will improve my knowledge. I will read more books to widen my horizons and enrich my knowledge. In addition, I will also learn some new skills to enhance my competitiveness.

Secondly, I will improve my fitness. I want to be healthy and strong, so I will exercise more and eat a healthy diet.

Thirdly, I will improve my personality. I want to be more patient, tolerant and understanding. To achieve this, I will try to see things from other people's perspectives and respect their opinions.

Throughout the implementation of these measures, I will constantly adjust my attitude and behavior to become a better person. I believe that as long as I keep trying and don't give up, I will achieve my goal.
【名师解析】:这篇英文短文是一篇关于个人目标的征文,题目要求写一篇100词左右的短文,描述明年的目标以及实现目标的计划。作者首先明确了自己的目标是成为一个更好的人,并在各个方面提升自己。为了实现这一目标,作者计划采取以下措施: 1. 提升知识水平:作者计划通过阅读更多的书籍来拓宽视野,丰富知识,并学习一些新技能以提高竞争力。 2. 提高身体素质:作者希望保持健康和强壮,因此计划多锻炼并保持健康饮食。 3. 改善个性:作者希望变得更有耐心、宽容和理解,为此将尝试从他人的角度看待问题并尊重他们的观点。 在实施这些措施的过程中,作者将不断调整自己的态度和行为,以成为一个更好的人。作者相信,只要不断尝试并坚持不懈,就能实现自己的目标。 这篇短文结构清晰,首先明确目标,然后详细列出实现目标的具体措施,最后表达信心和决心。语言简洁明了,符合题目要求。