Health Benefits of Honey with Milk

     Honey and milk get along well.Since ancient times,this mix is known for its amazing health benefits.

① Take a glass of honey with milk before you set out for your day in the morning,and yo
Health Benefits of Honey with Milk

     Honey and milk get along well.Since ancient times,this mix is known for its amazing health benefits.

① Take a glass of honey with milk before you set out for your day in the morning,and you are guaranteed enough to get through the morning rush.Milk provides you the proteins (required)while honey helps you get the energy by breaking down these proteins.No wonder this drink is meant for all ages alike.

② Milk is known for providing calcium(钙),which,in right levels,helps in preventing bone diseases as we age.Research has indicated that honey does a good job of carrying nutrients(营养成分)in the food through the blood to various parts of the body.In particular,honey helps in the absorption of calcium,the vital part of milk.

③ If you ask doctors or your grandmother for a solution to your sleeplessness,you are bound to get the same answer -a glass of warm milk with honey.It is best known to induce sleep.So take it regularly if you have sleeping problems.

④ Milk and honey not only help in preventing aging by keeping the skin glowing,but also improve your body as a whole as they contain antioxidants(抗氧化物).These help keep the body young and flexible.For a very long time,this has been an open secret in keeping your body look and feel young.

⑤ Both milk and honey are known to ward off harmful bacteria in our body,but their combined strength is more effective in achieving this effect.Cough and cold can be prevented by taking this drink regularly.It also aids in digestion and treating bowel disorders.

21.Milk is rich in _____.
22.Milk and honey help _____.
23.Honey helps the absorption _____.
24.Your body may bend or move easily if you _____.
25.Drinking honey milk regularly can prevent _____.

A.proteins and calcium
B.fat and sugar
C.cough and cold
D.your body look and feel young
E.drink milk and honey
F.of calcium
【题目解析】:21、【A】根据①中“Milk provides you the proteins ...(牛奶提供蛋白质...)”和②中“Milk is known for providing calcium...(牛奶以提供钙而闻名...)”可知答案选A,题干翻译为“牛奶中富含蛋白质和钙。”。
22、【D】根据④中“For a very long time, this has been an open secret in keeping your body look and feel young.(在很长一段时间里,这是一个让人保持身材和感觉年轻的公开的秘密。)”可知答案选D,题干翻译为“牛奶和蜂蜜让你的身体看起来和感觉年轻。”。
23、【F】根据②中“honey helps in the absorption of calcium(蜂蜜有助于钙的吸收)”可知答案选F,题干翻译为“蜂蜜有助于钙的吸收。”。
24、【E】④中有“These help keep the body young and flexible.(这些有助于保持身体年轻和灵活。)”,这句话中的“these”根据上文推测指“antioxidants(抗氧化物)”,而牛奶和蜂蜜含有抗氧化物,则答案选E,题干翻译为“如果你喝牛奶和蜂蜜,弯曲或移动身体会是一件容易的事情。”。
25、【C】⑤中有“Cough and cold can be prevented by taking this drink regularly.(经常喝这种饮料可以预防咳嗽和感冒。)”,这句话中的“this drink”指的就是牛奶,答案选C,题干翻译为“经常喝蜂蜜牛奶可以预防咳嗽和感冒。”。