Playing Games—Not Only Fun
For many people, playing games is a way to have some fun. 1_____ It is a great way to keep your mental health in check. Actually, anything that requires you to do some thinking will help you keep your brain healthy.
Playing Games—Not Only Fun
For many people, playing games is a way to have some fun. 1_____ It is a great way to keep your mental health in check. Actually, anything that requires you to do some thinking will help you keep your brain healthy.
You may say that this sounds great but you just don't have the time to do it. If you want to improve your mental health, you will make time for it. 2_____ You can exercise your brain before work and while the rest of your family is still in bed. This can greatly change your attitude for the rest of the day.
Turn the TV off in the evening and spend some time playing games alone or with a family member. 3 _____ Try a variety of new games, too. This way, you don't get bored playing the same one all the time.
Most games offer several different levels, To get the most exercise for your brain, start out with the easy stuff, 4 _____ As your level of skill improves, go on to challenge your brain by moving into more advanced levels of the game.
Find the games that you really enjoy playing. Keeping your brain sharp with such games is really going to pay off for you in many ways. 5_____ You will find that you have less stress and that it is easier to make decisions, You will also find that your memory is improving.
A.Set aside about 30 minutes a day when you can play games.
B.This is especially true if you are new to a game.
C.Playing games can help you make new friends.
D.You will be surprised at how much it improves your life.
E.However, it can also help you exercise your brain.
F.You can also invite friends over to play games with you.
【正确答案】:E A F B D
【题目解析】:1. 空格前一句话的意思为"对于许多人来说,玩游戏是获得快乐的一种方式",空格后一句话的意思为"它是一种控制心理健康的好方式"。 选项E与前后文衔接最紧密,意思为"然而,它也能帮助你锻炼你的大脑",正好与第一段最后一句中的“keep your brain healthy"和文章标题中的"Not Only Fun"照应。
2. 空格前一句话的意思为"如果你想改善心理健康,你需要挤出时间来",下文应紧接着讲如何挤出时间,选项A的意思为"当你玩游戏的时候,一天留出大约30分钟时间",与上文衔接最紧密。
3. 空格前一句话的意思为"在晚上关掉电视,自己一个人或者与家人一起花些时间玩游戏",选项F的意思为"你也可以邀请朋友过来和你一起玩游戏”,与上文衔接最紧密。
4. 空格前一句话的意思为"为了让你的大脑得到更多的锻炼,先从简单的开始",空格后一句话的意思为"当你的技术水平提高了,接着进入游戏的更高级别去挑战你的大脑",选项B的意思为"如果你对游戏不了解,这种情况下就更是如此",与上下文衔接最紧密。
5. 空格前一句话的意思为"玩这样的游戏能保持头脑灵敏,它真的会以很多方式回报你" ,空格后一句话的意思为"你将会发现你有较少的压力,并且也较容易做出决定",选项D的意思为"你将会吃惊地发现游戏使你的生活改善了很多",与上下文衔接最紧密。