Warmth at Midnight

Canberra winters are extremely cold, and 2014 brought some of our coldest days. One weekday night I walked to the __1__ supermarket before it closed at midnight.

As I approached, I noticed a group of six or se
Warmth at Midnight

Canberra winters are extremely cold, and 2014 brought some of our coldest days. One weekday night I walked to the __1__ supermarket before it closed at midnight.

As I approached, I noticed a group of six or seven people __2__ by the supermarket entrance. Aware of the __3__ of late-night walking, I made sure I paid attention. The scene ahead looked unusual.

And unusual it was. Expecting to see a group of __4__ troublemakers, I found a weak, well-dressed old man distributing items of food to a group of homeless people. Rather than just feeding them, he was also engaging them in a __5__of warm discussion.

The homeless people were rough-looking and __6__ dressed. But they listened to the man __7__, not just with gratitude for the food they had been __8__ . With no charity vehicle in sight, this old man was only representing himself.

After I finished shopping, the group was still there, food __9__ , but all laughing. If a weak old man can give to others in the __10__ cold at midnight, what excuse do we have?

A. dangers
B. local
C. happy
D. reading
E. freezing
F. attentively
G. potential
H. sitting
I. poorly
J. given
K. consumed
L. circle
【正确答案】:1.B 2.H 3.A 4.G 5.L 6.I 7.F 8.J 9.K 10.E
【题目解析】:1.形容词修饰名词,local supermarket当地超市。选B。
4.形容词修饰名词,potential troublemakers 潜在的麻烦制造者,因为作者走夜路所以小心翼翼,看到门口坐着的人,害怕他们可能是麻烦制造者。Potential符合题意
5.不定冠词a后加可数名词单数,in a circle of warm discussion围成一圈热烈讨论。答案选L
6.The homeless people were rough-looking and ____ dressed.无家可归者外表粗糙,衣着可推测也较破旧。Dressed为形容词,副词修饰形容词,poorly符合文意和词性要求,答案选I。
7.Listen 为动词,副词修饰动词,选项中只剩attentively一个副词,listen to sb attentively聚精会神地听某人说话,选F。
8.Give food to sb给某人事物,在文中为被动语态,the food they had been given。选J
9.Consume food 吃食物,在这里是被动语态作状语,food consumed,食物被吃完了。选K
10.固定搭配in the freezing cold在严寒中,答案选E