Homeschooling vs School.
Many kids find it hard to concentrate in school classmates, bells, and even cheerful decoration in school can make it hard for children to concentrate.__1__.In some schools, conditions are bad for children’s safety and he
Homeschooling vs School.
Many kids find it hard to concentrate in school classmates, bells, and even cheerful decoration in school can make it hard for children to concentrate.__1__.In some schools, conditions are bad for children’s safety and health. __2__. Homeschooling parents can control their children’s environment to make sure it is safe and healthy.When students sit in a classroom surrounded by classmates, under the tight control of adults, they find it very hard to function in a normal way. Homeschooling children don’t have to stay in the school. __3__. They can interact with people in familiar situations, and they feel they can interact with people as adults.School bullying(以强欺弱)is a serious problem.__4__ Although schools are starting to deal with the problem, many kids are still afraid of going to school. Homeschooling kids can choose who they associate with and walk away from an uncomfortable situation.Schools are cutting field trips.__5__On the contrary, homeschooling can move outdoors, to the beach or the zoo. For homeschooling families, the whole world is a classroom. Learning takes place everywhere and it never ends.

A. Instead, they are out in the community.

B. In this case, homeschooling offers fewer interruptions.

C. Children usually sit at desks or around the kitchen tables

D. Some children do not treat their classmates appropriately.

E. Many students go to class in old or poorly-designed buildings.

F. Even a short trip to the countryside is controversial in some places.
【正确答案】:1.B 2.E 3.A 4.D 5.F
【题目解析】:1.整篇文章是对于Homeschooling 和School教育方式的优劣对比。第一段一开始就描写了在学校很多事物导致孩子难以集中精力。与之相对家庭教育干扰更少。答案选B。
2.第二段“In some schools, conditions are bad for children’s safety and health. ____. Homeschooling parents can control their children’s environment to make sure it is safe and healthy. ”空的前一句提到在学校条件对于孩子的健康安全不利。后一句说到家庭教育能否为孩子提供安全健康的环境。由此可以判断空中的内容应与健康和安全环境有关。只有E选项“old or poorly-designed buildings老旧设计较差的建筑”涉及到了学习条件。答案选E。
3.第三段“Homeschooling children don’t have to stay in the school. __3__. They can interact with people in familiar situations, and they feel they can interact with people as adults. ”空的前一句说明家庭教育孩子不必待在学校。后一句说到孩子可以在熟悉的环境下与人交往,他们感觉是作为成人和别人交往。中间一句可猜测要交代家庭教育的孩子的教育地点。A选项“in the community”提供了家庭教育的具体地点。答案选A。
4.第4段段首School bullying(以强欺弱)is a serious problem.结合下文可知本段要提到学校霸凌的问题。D选项D. Some children do not treat their classmates appropriately.正是对于学校霸凌问题的具体解释。答案选择D。
5.第5段Schools are cutting field trips.__ __On the contrary, homeschooling can move outdoors, to the beach or the zoo.空的前一句子提到学校减少校外参观的旅行。空的后一句则相反,家庭搞教育可以在户外进行,到海边和公园。这提示空中的内容应该是与户外教育相关的,只有F选项出现了”trip”出行。答案选F。