The power of language
Language is something that defines (define) us as humans. When language is ____1___(use) well, it can bring out very deep feelings in others, and encourages others to take ____2___ ( act). Sometimes in poetry a certain phrase
The power of language
Language is something that defines (define) us as humans. When language is ____1___(use) well, it can bring out very deep feelings in others, and encourages others to take ____2___ ( act). Sometimes in poetry a certain phrase can bring __3___(tear) to the eyes and move us deeply. When we use language to express our true feelings to someone, it can open and ___4___(deep) the connection between us. Language is a very ___5__(power) tool. How we use language shapes our world. How we use self-talk ___6____(direct) shapes our experience of both ourselves and the world. How we deliver ____7____( communicate) shapes the way the world ___8___ ( respond) to us. We can use language more ___9___ (effective). And this clearly influences the health and power of our ___10___ (person) relationships and business relationships.

【正确答案】:1.used 2.action 3.tears 4.deepen 5.powerful 6.directly 7.comunication 8.responds 9.effectively 10.personal
2.固定搭配take action 采取行动,答案是action
8.根据空格上下文,发现the world之后是the way 的定语从句,从句中少谓语动词,所以答案是responds
9,空格前的we can use language是主谓宾结构完整的,那么后面只可能加副词,对整个句子进行程度修饰,答案是effectively