【阅读判断】Though Boerman says the company believes it can make space-based solar power work, it is not expecting to crowd out other forms of renewable energy. Laws in California and other states require increasing use of renewable energy in coming years,
【阅读判断】Though Boerman says the company believes it can make space-based solar power work, it is not expecting to crowd out other forms of renewable energy. Laws in California and other states require increasing use of renewable energy in coming years, he points out. "To meet those needs, we're going to need all types of renewable energy sources," he says.
Q: There is no more need for other renewable energy sources if the company makes the space-based solar power work successfully. 
C、Not Given
【题目解析】:译文:如果这家公司使空间太阳能技术成功应用,我们将不再需要其他可再生能源。根据文章Boerman所说我们可知,“to meet those needs, we're going to need all types of renewable energy sources”。因此题干说法与文章内容相反。答案为B。