A Lucky Coin

A 1943 US penny made at the Denver Mint(铸币厂)has sold for $1.7million. That single coin is thought to be the (31)_____ copper (铜) coin made in Denver that year.

Pennies were made of steel in 1943 because copper was in(32) __
A Lucky Coin

A 1943 US penny made at the Denver Mint(铸币厂)has sold for $1.7million. That single coin is thought to be the (31)_____ copper (铜) coin made in Denver that year.

Pennies were made of steel in 1943 because copper was in(32) _____ supply for use in equipment to help (33) _____ World War II. That was the only year that Lincoln pennies were not (34) _____ of copper.

A (35) _____ coin cllector was eager to pay the buge sum fot the coin because it was one of a kind. And that collector (36) _____ had a 1943 copper penny from each of the other two US Mints.

You might be suprised to (37) _____ what some of your own coins are (38) _____. The more scarce any collectible (可收藏的) item is, the higher the (39) _____ tends to be. It is possible that you might have a small (40) _____ sitting in your pocket right now! 

A. wealthy
B. short
C. learn
D. consisted
E. only
F. already
G. price
H. made
I. large
J. fight
K. fortune
L. worth
【正确答案】:1. E   2. B   3. J   4. H   5. A   6. F   7. C   8. L   9. G   10. K
【题目解析】:1. 由空前的定冠词the和空后的名词copper可知,空格处需要一个形容词修饰名词,根据句意,E选项符合题意。

2. in short 为固定搭配,意为短缺。故选B。

3. 根据句意,1943年美国生产的硬币大部分都是钢质的,因为当时为了应对二战,大部分铜都用于制造武器。help后可接动词,根据句意可知,J选项符合题意。

4. be made of为固定搭配,意为由...制造。

5. 由空前的不定冠词a和空后的名词短语coin collector可知,空格处需要一个形容词修饰空后的名词,根据句意可知,A选项符合题意,意为这枚硬币价值连城,因此希望有个很富有的人来购买它。

6. 由空前的名词collector和空后的实义动词had可知,空格处需要一个副词修饰形容词,根据句意,F选项符合题意,意为因为他已经收藏了另一个铸币厂同年制造的一枚硬币。

7. be surprised to do sth. 意为惊讶去做某事,由此可知,空格处需要一个动词,根据题意可以,C选项符合题意。

8. 根据题干意思,可知系动词is在这里表示是的意思,由此可知,空格处需要一个形容词,根据句意,L选项符合题意,意为你可能会惊讶地了解到你所拥有的一些硬币是十分值钱的,故选L。

9. 根据空前的定冠词the和空后的谓语动词tends可知,空格处需要一个名词,根据句意可知,G选项符合题意,意为物以稀为贵。

10. 根据空前的不定冠词a和形容词small可知,空格处需要一个名词,根据句意可知,K选项符合题意,a small fortune意为一大笔钱。
