
Street art is a very popular form of art that is spreading quickly(quick) all over the world. You can find it on buildings, sidewalks, street signs and dustbins in many big (41)_____(city) of the world. Street art has gained great

Street art is a very popular form of art that is spreading quickly(quick) all over the world. You can find it on buildings, sidewalks, street signs and dustbins in many big (41)_____(city) of the world. Street art has gained great(42)_____(popular). Even art museums and galleries are(43)_____(collect) the works of street artists. Street art started out very(44)_____(secret) because it is illegal to paint public and private property without permission. People often have different(45)_____(opinion) about street art. Some think it is a crime and others think it is a very(46)_____(beauty) new form of culture.

Art experts claim that the(47)_____(move) began in New York City in the 1960s. Young adults(48)_____(spray) words and other images on walls and trains. This(49)_____(color), energetic style of writing became(50)_____(know) as graffiti.

【正确答案】:1. cities

2. popularity

3. collecting

4. secretly

5. opinions

6. beautiful

7. movement

8. sprayed

9. colo(u)rful

10. known

【题目解析】:1. 空格前有many修饰,用复数形式。

2. 空格前用形容词great修饰,用名词形式。

3. 空格前有be动词,此处用动名词形式,表示正在进行时。

4. 该处secret是为了形容前面的动词started out,所以要用副词形式。

5. 空格前有different修饰,所以此处应该复数形式。

6. 空格处该句有主语系动词,需要形容词做表语,所以改成形容词形式。

7. 空格处缺主语,此处用move的名词形式movement做主语。

8. 该段陈述事实发生在过去,用动词的一般过去时表示。

9. 该处用词形容style,所以应该填形容词,用color的形容词形式。

10. 固定句式,因为什么而被大家所知晓,被动语态用过去分词形式。
