Shopping and Health

Many people believe that shopping is a bad habit. However. a recent Time magazine suggests that this 41_____(believe)might be wrong. For some people, shopping may help them live longer.

An extensive study of old peop
Shopping and Health

Many people believe that shopping is a bad habit. However. a recent Time magazine suggests that this 41_____(believe)might be wrong. For some people, shopping may help them live longer.

An extensive study of old people has 42_____(find) that regular shoppers live longer than less frequent shoppers. Shopping 43_____(give) people the chance to talk with other people and to get exercise. If shoppers buy fresh food 44_____(day). then they may have a 45_____ (health) diet. Shopping makes people move from one place to an other and make a certain 46______(decide). These activities help them stay mentally and physically fit.

Even though people shop for practical 47_____ (reason),shopping is also good for their 48_____ (emotion) health. And compared with other types of physical 49_____ (activity), shopping is easy to do. Unlike going to a fitness center or 50_____ (play) sports, people can shop anywhere. As a result, they can do it more regularly.

【正确答案】:1. belief

2. found

3. gives

4. daily

5. healthy/healthful

6. decision

7. reasons

8. emotional

9. activities

10. playing

【题目解析】:1. 由空前的this可知,空格处需要一个名词,故为belief。

2. 由空前的has可知,空格处需要一个动词的过去分词形式构成现在完成时,故为found。

3. 由空前的shopping可知,空格处需要一个修饰第三人称单数的动词形式作谓语,且为一般现在时态,故为gives。

4. 由空前的buy以及fresh food可知,空格处需要一个副词修饰空前的动词buy,故为daily。

5. 由空前的不定冠词a和空后的名词diet可知,空格处需要一个形容词修饰空后的名词,故为healthy。

6. 由空前的a和形容词certain可知,空格处需要一个名词,故为decision。

7. 由空前的形容词practical可知,空格处需要一个名词,根据句意可知,该名词应为复数形式,故为reasons。

8. 由空后的名词health可知,空格处需要一个形容词,故为emotioanl。

9. 由空前的形容词physical可知,空格处需要一个名词,根据空前的types可知,空格处的名词应该复数形式,故为activities。

10. 由空后的名词sports可知,空格处需要一个形容词,故为playing。
