My Worst Travel Experience

Last year my parents decided to take me to a cowboy ranch (牧场) for our vacation, I was happy and_____(31). Soon after I got to the ranch, I went out to see the beautiful horses. I_____(32)wanted to learn to ride a ho
My Worst Travel Experience

Last year my parents decided to take me to a cowboy ranch (牧场) for our vacation, I was happy and_____(31). Soon after I got to the ranch, I went out to see the beautiful horses. I_____(32)wanted to learn to ride a horse, so I climbed on one right away when no one was looking. While I was siting on the_____(33)of the horse, the horse started_____(34) ! I didn't know how to stop it. I held on _____(35)as the horse began to run. We were running through a_____(36)of cactus (仙人掌) when the horse saw a snake on the_____(37).The horse jumped back, and I_____(38)off-right into a big bunch of cactus! I spent hours_____(39)out cactus thorns(刺). My parents _____(40)so bad that they let me get a puppy (小狗). That was the worst experience l ever had! But at least I got a puppy!

A. back
B. fell
C. field
D. excited
E. usually
F. moving
G. ground
H. tightly
I. disappointed
J. really
K. pulling
L. felt
【正确答案】:1. D  2. J  3. A   4. F   5. H   6. C   7. G   8. B   9. K   10. L
【题目解析】:1. 由空格前的and可知,and连接两个并列的成分,前后的结构应一致,空格处应填形容词。结合选项,根据句意可知,去年我父母决定带我去一个牧场度假,我既开心又兴奋。故此处填excited“兴奋的”。

2. 分析句子结构可知,句子成分完整,再根据空格后的wanted可知,空格处应填副词修饰wanted。结合选项,根据句意可知,我非常想要学骑马。故此处填really “非常,极其”。

3. 由空格前的on the和空格后的of可知,空格处应填名词。结合选项,根据句意可知,当我坐在马背上时。故此处填back“背部”。

4. 由空格前的started可知,空格处应填动词的不定式或者现在分词。结合选项,选项中没有不定式的表达形式,故空格处应填动词的现在分词。根据句意可知,当我坐在马背上时,马开始动起来了。故此处填moving “移动”。

5. 由空格前的held on可知,空格处应填副词。结合选项,根据句意可知,当马开始跑的时候,我紧紧地抓住不放。故此处填tightly “紧紧地”。

6. 由空格前的a和空格后的of可知,空格处应填名词。结合选项,根据句意可知,我们正跑着穿过一片仙人掌地。故此处填field “田地,田野”。

7. 由空格前的on the可知,空格处应填名词构成介词短语。结合选项,根据句意可知,马看见在地上有一条蛇,且on the ground为固定短语,意为“在地上”,故此处填ground“地面”。

8. 分析句子结构可知,句子缺少谓语,再根据句子中的jumped back可知,空格处应填动词的过去分词。结合选项,根据句意可知,马往后跳,我摔了下来,正好摔进一大堆仙人掌中。故此处填fell “摔倒”。

9. 由空格前的spent hours可知,空格处应填动词的现在分词,与spend构成固定搭配spend hours doing sth.。结合选项,根据句意可知,我花了几个小时才把仙人掌的刺拔出来。故此处填pulling “拔”。

10. 分析句子结构可知,句子缺少谓语,再根据空格后的so bad可知,此处填的应该是能表达感觉的动词。故此处填felt “感到,感觉”。
