Passage 3
Questions 11 to 15 are based on thefollowing passage.
Last week I returned toAmherst. It's been years since I was there, the time met Tom. I was hoping thatTom would show up again; I even looked for him, but he didn't appear. Iremember he proudly represented New York City during the few minutes we spoke,so I suspect he'd moved back or maybe he was busy or he didn't know I was intown. I have a distinct memory of Tom in the signing line, saying nothing toanyone, intense. I assumed he was going to ask me to read a manuscript or helphim find an agent, but instead he asked me about an incident in my book. Heasked, quietly, if it had happened to me.
Tom caught me completely bysurprise.
I wish I had told Tom thetruth then, but I was too scared in those days to say anything. Too scared, toocommitted to my mask. I responded with some vague reply. And that was it. Isigned his books. Tom thought I was going to say something, and when I didn'the looked disappointed. But more than that, he looked abandoned. I could havesaid anything but instead I turned to the next person in line and smiled. Outof the corner of my eye I watched Tom pick up his backpack, slowly put away hisbooks, and leave. When the signing was over I couldn't get away from Amherst,from Tom and his question, fast enough. I ran the way I've always run. Likedeath itself was chasing me. For couple of days afterward I fretted(焦虑不安);I worried thatI'd given myself away. I tried to forget it and bury it all. Like always.
But I never really didforget. Not our exchange or Tom's disappointment. How he walked out of the hallwith his shoulders hunched(弓起的).
I know this is years toolate, but I'm sorry I didn't answer Tom. I'm sorry I didn't tell him the truth.I'm sorry for Tom, and for me. We both could have used that truth, I'mthinking. It could have saved me (and maybe Tom) from so much. But I wasafraid. I'm still afraid-my fear like continents and the ocean between-but I'mgoing to speak anyway, because, as Audre Lorde has taught us, my silence willnot protect me.
Yes, it happened to me.
How did Tom feel about the author's response?