你公司欲与德国某公司达成补偿贸易(compensationtrade)协议,打算派代表出访汉堡建商相关亊宜。请写一封出访信,内容如下: 1. 同意双方在补偿贸易基础上进行交易。 2. 授权公司经理为全权代表,来德国磋商补偿贸易合同的具体细节,并安排两位技术人员陪同。 3. 告知预计的出访时间。因这是第一次到德国,希望对方接机并代为安排住宿。 4. 表达能顺利签约的良好愿望。
你公司欲与德国某公司达成补偿贸易(compensationtrade)协议,打算派代表出访汉堡建商相关亊宜。请写一封出访信,内容如下: 1. 同意双方在补偿贸易基础上进行交易。 2. 授权公司经理为全权代表,来德国磋商补偿贸易合同的具体细节,并安排两位技术人员陪同。 3. 告知预计的出访时间。因这是第一次到德国,希望对方接机并代为安排住宿。 4. 表达能顺利签约的良好愿望。
【正确答案】:Dear Hoffman, 
We fully agree to your proposal to do business with you on compensation trade base. We have decided to authorize our manager, Mr Chen Jun,as our representative to the details of the compensation trade agreement with you. Mr. Chen will leave for Hamburg next Monday, and will be accompanied technicians. We shall be grateful for your meeting them in the airpot and arranging accommodations for them because this is their first visit to Hamburg.We have entrusted Mr.Chen with power to sign contracts with you and are conf everything will turn out to our expectation.
Yours sincerely,