What might be the immediate cause of the UK's entry into WWI?( )
A、Germany’s invasion of Belgium
B、The assassination of Franz Ferdinand
C、Austrian declaration of war on Serbia.
D、Germany^‘s ’declaration of war on Russia.
【题目解析】:本题考查英国参加第一次世界大战的原因。British was afraid that Germany would overrun Europe and gain control of parts of the British Empire. This, together with an earlier treaty which promised to guarantee Belgium's neutrality, brought Britain into WWI on August 4,1914.德国分别于1914年8月1日和8月3日对俄国和法国宣战,并入侵了比利时。英国害怕德国横行欧洲并控制英帝国的部分地区,再加上原先曾承诺要保护比利时中立的条约,英国于1914年8月4日参加了第一次世界大战。