Scottish inventor( )modified and improved the design of steam engine and produced a very efficient one with rotary motion in 1765.
Scottish inventor( )modified and improved the design of steam engine and produced a very efficient one with rotary motion in 1765.
A、James Watt
B、John Kay
C、Richard Arkwright
D、Samuel Crompton
【题目解析】:本题考查瓦特发明的蒸汽机。The first steam engine was devised by Thomas Newcomen at the end of the 17th century, and the Scottish inventor James Watt(1736-1819) modified and improved the design in 1765 and produced a very efficient steam engine with rotary motion that could be applied to textile and other machinery.苏格兰发明家詹姆斯▪瓦特与1765年调整并改良了汤玛斯▪纽科门的蒸汽机设计方案,发明了高效的旋转式菜汽机。