Fashion industry crisis after EU import ban
THE FASHION INDUSTRY in Europe is facing its biggest crisis in recent history. Clothing retailers such as H&M, Zara and CD7A could have empty shops at Christmas because Chinese imports are stuck in Europ
Fashion industry crisis after EU import ban
THE FASHION INDUSTRY in Europe is facing its biggest crisis in recent history. Clothing retailers such as H&M, Zara and CD7A could have empty shops at Christmas because Chinese imports are stuck in European ports.At the moment, millions of Chinese bras,sweaters and T-shirts are sitting in customs warehouses around Europe, following the introduction of import controls in June by the European Trade Commissioner, Peter Mandelson.
A spokeswoman for the retailers said that many small companies are suffering because they cannot sell these Chinese imports. People could lose their jobs and small retailers are facing huge losses, said Anna Price. The EU should release these goods as soon as possible,in time for the Christmas season.
On the other hand, countries such as Italy, Spain and Portugal are in favor of the import restrictions.These countries employ many people in the textile industry. They don't want Chinese clothing to flood the market because they can't compete with Chinese prices.
Mr. Mandelson is in a difficult position; maintaining the controls could be a disaster for the retailers. But allowing the imports could be equally disastrous for the southern European producers. Meanwhile, the warehouses are filling up with winter season fashions which nobody will want next winter.
Chinese clothes are cheaper than clothes produced in Europe.
C、Doesn't say