Passage Three
The British people are great readers of newspapers. There are few homes to which one newspaper is not delivered every morning. Many households have two, or even three, newspapers every day. One newspaper may be delivered at the house, a member of the family may buy one at the station bookstall to read on the train as he goes to town, and someone else in the family may buy an evening newspaper later in the day.
Daily papers are those that are published daily from Monday to Saturday. There are the morning papers and the evening papers. The morning papers are on sale in the morning. The evening papers begin to appear during the morning, and new editions appear every two or three hours until the final edition comes out in the evening.
The London newspaper that is best known outside Great Britain is probably The Times. It began in 1785, and has a high reputation for reliable news and serious comment on the news. It calls itself an independent paper, which means that it does not give its support to a particular political party. Its leading articles give the opinions of its editorial staff, not those of the owners of the paper.
The Daily Express and the Daily Mail are also independent, though they are usually more sympathetic to Conservative than to socialist policies. The Daily Telegraph, also a serious paper with a high reputation, is not independent. It supports the Conservative Party.
Two popular papers are Daily Mirror and the Daily Sketch. These have many pages of photographs and numerous strip cartoons. Their makeup is more exciting than those of the serious papers. The news that appears on their pages is not always the most important news: it is the news that is most interesting to the man in the street.
Which of the following is NOT a serious paper?
A、 The Times
B、 Daily Mail
C、 Daily Telegraph
D、 Daily Mirror