Speaker A: I quit my job today, honey.
Speaker B: Why?____? Speaker A: No, I Just got tired of doing the same thing again and again.
Speaker A: I quit my job today, honey.
Speaker B: Why?____? Speaker A: No, I Just got tired of doing the same thing again and again.
A、 Is it boring
B、 Are you sure
C、 Did something happen
D、 Are you serious
【题目解析】:本题考查朋友之间谈论工作的场景。选项A. Is it boring?“很无趣吗?与下一句 got tired of意思一样,但是 Speaker的回答是No,所以,逻辑关系不符合选项B Are you sure?你确定吗?和选项. Are you serious?“你是认真的吗?”这两个询问都与下一句的语意不一致。选项C. Did something happen?“什么事?”接着 Speaker说:没发生啥事,只是觉得厌倦了一次又一次做同样的事。所以,选C【参考译文】 Speaker:亲爱的,今天我辞职了。 Speaker:为什么?发生什么事了? Speaker:没有,我只是厌倦了一次又一次做同样的事。