Speaker A: I've just heard the news about your test. Well done!
Speaker B:____
Speaker A: I've just heard the news about your test. Well done!
Speaker B:____
A、 Don't mention it
B、 Thank you
C、 Oh no! It was awful
D、 Oh, it might be easy
【题目解析】:本题考查朋友之间祝贺、赞美及回答。选项A.Don' t mention it.“不客气。”选项C.Ohno! It was awful.“哦不,很可怕。”选项D.Oh, it might be easy.“哦,这很简单。”A、C和D不符合此处语境。 Speaker听到 Speaker考试的消息,并说 Well done,其实是在祝贺和赞扬 Speaker,回答时应该表示感谢。所以,选B【参考译文】 Speaker:我刚听到你考试的消息。你真棒! Speaker:谢谢。