Speaker A: Don't be sad. I'm sure things will change for the better soon.
Speaker B: ____
Speaker A: Don't be sad. I'm sure things will change for the better soon.
Speaker B: ____
A、 That sounds awful.
B、 Yes, you're probably right.
C、 hope not!
D、 You are welcome!
【题目解析】:本题考查两个朋友相互关心的场景。选项A. That sounds awful.听起来很糟糕。”选项C. hope not!“我希望不会。”选项D. You are welcome!“不客气!选项B.Yes,you' 're probably right.“是的,你可能是对的。”符合此处语境。所以,选B【参考译文】 Speaker:不要难过。我相信事情很快就会好转的。 Speaker:是的,你可能是对的。