I'm the Customer. 46. I have lots of money and I'm going to spend it. Take care of me and I'll take care of you. I'll encourage my friends to come to see you. I'll come back when I need more of what you sell. All you've got to do is to satisfy
I'm the Customer. 46. I have lots of money and I'm going to spend it. Take care of me and I'll take care of you. I'll encourage my friends to come to see you. I'll come back when I need more of what you sell. All you've got to do is to satisfy me. Do you think I'm demanding too much? Hey, all I want is people to:
Greet me and make me feel comfortable.
Value me and let me know they think I'm important.
Ask how they can help me.
Listen to me and understand my needs.
Help me get what I want or solve my problem.
Invite me back and let me know I'm welcome anytime.
Most of us form quick first impressions. 47. We often decide whether we like people, want to do business with them, in the first few seconds, whether in face-to-face contact or over the telephone. Someone once told me people form 11 impressions of us in the first seven seconds of contact.
Not long ago, I needed new business telephone lines and numbers. 48. I called and was greeted by one of the friendliest voices I'd ever heard. Immediately. I felt comfortable. The person thanked me and put me completely at ease. Her greeting was most effective.
Yours can be, too. All you have to do is to be aware of the importance of greeting people and then learn some simple techniques:
Thank customers for coming in, contacting you, or seeing you. This is not what a new receptionist did the last time I went into the dental office. I walked in and stood at the counter for at least a minute. She knew I was there, but she didn't acknowledge me. Finally she looked up, showed no reaction-no smile, no warmth-and said, "Sign in!" Her inattentiveness left me feeling less than thrilled about being there.
Tune the world out then in. 49. Another technique is to tune the world out and customers in. How often do you talk to yourself when you should be focusing on your customers? It's easy to do this and it can be damaging to customer relations.
"Let Me Know I'm Important!"
Good customer service isn't just painting a smile on your face and performing certain actions. People quickly see through thinly veiled attempts at niceness.
"You're the customer—you pay my salary!”
"There's something about you I like!"
"You make my job possible!"
50. Once you have these values, you will see your job differently. Most people who work with people don't really know what business they're in. Most think they're in business to deliver products or services. They don't know they're in business to give benefits to people.
Many in retailing, telemarketing, medical offices, or other places where people spend money, don't know how to identify the real needs customers have.
51. How do you go about identifying people's needs? First, understand people's needs aren't for the product or service, but for what that will do for them. Customers don't buy cars to have a vehicle to drive. They do it so they can keep up with the Joneses, get good gas mileage, or save money.
