Passage Two  "Young people ought not to be idleIt is very bad for them,"said Margaret Thatcher in 1984. She was right:there are few worse things that society can do to its young than to leave themin limbo. Those who start "> Passage Two  "Young people ought not to be idleIt is very bad for them,"said Margaret Thatcher in 1984. She was right:there are few worse things that society can do to its young than to leave themin limbo. Those who start ">

Passage Two  "Young people ought not to be idleIt is very bad for them,"said Margaret Thatcher in 1984. She was right:there are few worse things that society can do to its young than to leave themin limbo. Those who start

Passage Two  "Young people ought not to be idleIt is very bad for them,"said Margaret Thatcher in 1984. She was right:there are few worse things that society can do to its young than to leave themin limbo. Those who start their careers on the dole are more likely to havelower wages and more spells of joblessness later in life because they lose outon the chance to acquire skills and self-confidence in their formative years.    Yet more young people are idle than ever.OECD (the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) figuressuggest that 26m 15-to 24-year-olds in developed countries are not inemployment, education or training: the number of young people without job hasrisen by 30% since 2007.The International Labour Organization reports that 75myoung people globally are looking for a job. The World Bank surveys suggestthat 262m young people in emerging markets are economically inactive. Dependingon how you measure them, the number of young people without a job is nearly aslarge as the population of America(311m).  Two factors play a big part. First, thelong slowdown in the West has reduced demand for labour, and it is easier toput off hiring young people than it is to fire older workers. Second, inemerging economies population growth is fastest in countries with dysfunctionallabour markets, such as India and Egypt.  The result is an "arc ofunemployment", from southern Europe through North Africa and the MiddleEast to South Asia, where the rich world's recession meets the poor world'syouth quake. The anger of the young jobless has already burst onto the streetsin the Middle East. Violent crime, generally in decline in the rich world, isrising in Spain, Italy and Portugal--countries with startlingly high youthunemployment.  The most obvious way to tackle thisproblem is to reignite growth. That is easier said than done in a world plaguedby debt, and is anyway only a partial answer. The countries where the problemis worst (such as Spain and Egypt) suffered from high youth unemployment evenwhen their economies were growing. Throughout the recession companies havecontinued to complain that they cannot find young people with the right skills.This underlines the importance of two other solutions: reforming labour marketsand improving education. These are familiar prescriptions but ones that need tobe delivered with both a new vigor and a new twist. 
According to paragraph 1, those who live on unemployment compensation tend to____
A、be more self-confident
B、have more time to gain skills
C、enjoy better job opportunities
D、earn a lower salary in their future jobs
