(46)Campsare either temporary, that is changed from day to day, or they are permanent andmay be visited year after year, or they may be used for a few weeks at a time. Tempor"> (46)Campsare either temporary, that is changed from day to day, or they are permanent andmay be visited year after year, or they may be used for a few weeks at a time. Tempor">
  (46)Campsare either temporary, that is changed from day to day, or they are permanent andmay be visited year after year, or they may be used for a few weeks at a time. Tempor
  (46)Campsare either temporary, that is changed from day to day, or they are permanent andmay be visited year after year, or they may be used for a few weeks at a time. Temporary campsare the ones we are considering, and these can be elaborate orvery, very simple. I prefer the latter, and I am sure the boys will agree with me.  (47)During the autumn and when the weather is dry and the nights not too cool, the bestway to camp is in the open, sleeping on beds of boughs, about a roaring fire,and with one blanket under and another over.  Smalldog tents, like the ones our soldiers carried in the Civil War, are cheap and veryconvenient. Each man carried a section, and two made a tent, into which two men crawledwhen it rained, but in dry weather they preferred to sleep in the open, even whenit was freezing.  (48)Shelters of boughs, arranged in an A-framed fashion from a ridge pole make goodtemporary shelters and are first rate as windbreaks at night.  Ashack built of crossed logs requires some time to build and some skill to make, but it isnot beyond the reach of any boy who has seen-and who has not- an old-fashionedlog shanty.  Butall boys, even trained foresters, are apt to get lost in strange woods. Every one,however, shouid know what to do in such a circumstance. As a rule the denser  growthof moss on trees is on the north side. This knowledge may help find the  direction,but it is better to carry a small pocket compass.  (49) When the sky is clear, the sun and the stars help toguide the course, and if  they are followed one is saved from travelingin a circle, as the lost are pretty sure  to do ina dense forest.  (50)If twigs are broken from bushes they will serve to show the course to  thoseout searching. A good plan is to follow down the course of a stream,which  alwaysflows into a larger body of water and will lead to some abode. If a hill is  accessible,the lay of the land may be had from its summit.   In any event, should you be lost, do not getrattled. You will be missed in camp and asearch will be made by your friends. If you have to stay in the woods all  night,make the best of it. Others have made the best of it by sleeping near the foot  of treeor beside a log. It will be more cheery if you can make a fire without  dangerto the woods. 
Directions: In the following passage there are five groups of underlined sentences. Read the passage carefully and translate these sentences into Chinese. Write the Chinese version on your Answer Sheet.